טרופי אנגלית


Predatory and trickster Plants
Some special plants trick insects!
Carnivorous plants such as the Venus fly trap (Dionaea muscipula) and the pitcher plant (Nepenthes spp.) attract insects with the smell and color of delicious food. The innocent insects come and are caught in the traps of the plants, die, and are absorbed into the plant.
The carnivorous plants absorb the minerals in the bodies of the insects. The predation serves to supplement fertilizer that these plants lack in their native habitats, which are often wet.
Moth orchids (Phalaenopsis spp,) are another story. They are beautiful flowering plants that grow on other trees. The trickster flowers attract innocent and hungry insects, but there is no reward in the flower, such as nectar or pollen for the insect to eat.
As the visiting insect looks for food, the anthers that contain the flower's pollen stick to it. The insect leaves disappointed, and after a few days it falls into the trap again and pollinates another flower.


Find the pot that the plant monster came out of