היביסקוס אנגלית


Scarlet Rosemallow Scarlet rosemallow (Hibiscus coccineus) is a large perennial plant that blooms at the height of summer with wonderful red flowers. These flowers are an advertisement for animals that come to the flower, feed on its nectar and pollen, and incidentally also pollinate it. The red flowers of the scarlet rosemallow attract butterflies, bees and even birds.


Dear friends, thank you for coming and for helping Dr. Ori to explore the world of the Botani-Monsters, and to discover that they actually are quite fun to have in the garden! I think we'll keep them here with us! I am happy to grant you a special researcher certificate. Which was your favorite Botani-Monster? At the exit you can receive your researcher's certificate with a print of the Botani-Monster of your choice to color in at home. See you at the next event!
