Hello friends, it's good that you came! You'll never believe what happened here last night. Dr. Ori Fragman-Sapir, the garden's chief scientist, was working in his office in the library, when suddenly he heard a strange noise. He followed the sound and suddenly saw, in a remote corner of the room that no one ever goes to, on the highest and dustiest shelf, an ancient book. It was a great big book of the botanical monsters. As he approached it, the book began to shake, and when it fell, all the Botani-Monsters began to fly out from it and scattered themselves throughout the garden. By the way, my name is Zahalia. Nice to meet you. Maybe you saw me at the entrance. If you like adventures like I do, join me on the journey and together we will explore and research the mysterious creatures that have taken over our garden. Let's start! The first creature we will meet, right at the entrance to the garden, is Cinderlotus – the queen of the Botani-Monsters. Good Luck!!!